[The New Year, 1977, was seen in rushing around in a Buik between posh parties in Delhi and dancing to Abba. But Nikki was ill and all we really wanted to do was go back to Ma Calaco's doss house and our hash-smoking room-mate - an eccentric but kind Dutchman who caught mice and made us coffee!]
FRIDAY 31ST DECEMBER, 1976 - Part Three
"This party was full of the trendy young of Delhi - all in Western clothes. Abba was playing. Small room for dancing - Nikki and I both dancing with JB Singh. Although it was the house of best friend Chris, he kept saying they only went to such a small party so others wouldn't say they were too grand to come - some friends! Nobody seemed particularly ecstatic to see them!
Nikki not at all well and nearly asleep. Kept asking them to take us home but wouldn't listen; said we had to go to another party first. Nikki pleading with them by this time. Stopped at really posh place - big party of about 100 people - but we sat in car while JB went into say hello. Already Pixie telling him to look out for other girls - kept boasting that all the "trendy" people of Delhi were there - all properly invited etc. Imagine if we'd walked into such a place with our jeans on!
Finally agree to take us home to Mrs Calaco's. JB insisted we'd meet next day at open air garden. Dutchman and weird Yank who'd moved out for us, were in the room - stoned on hash. Dutchman quite amusing and cheerful though strange. Long fair hair and long beard - made us some coffee. Fell into our dirty sleeping bags and slept."
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